Friday, August 31, 2007

Miles Aldridge

Miles Aldridge is the son of art director Alan Aldridge. He is in my opinion, one of the top fashion photographers out there. His images are like snapshots from film noir, albeit slightly more glamourous. His use of saturated color and dramatic lighting is amazing and very inspirational.

Black on Black Jack

Next Poker Night you have why not impress your friends with how cool your taste is. These slick cards from Japan use a matte and gloss varnish in a minimal and stylish way. The illustrations on the face cards are very edgy and hip with silhouettes of nude women and revolvers. I think I am going to pick them up myself just because I love black on black shit. Check them out here for 1,575 yen or a less scary sounding $14 USD.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This Italian concoction was invented in the early 1900s. Mixed with gin, Campari and sweet vermouth, it was named after Camillo Negroni in Florance who always ordered the same cocktail. Today Negroni is often consumed as a pre-dinner cocktail to stimulate the appetite for dinner. Aperitif is a European invention and it came to America in the early 1900s. Campari is also an Italian product, invented by Gaspare Campari in the early 1800s. If you like grapefruit juice then you’d probably love the Negroni. I am hooked. Next time you are out at a bar order one.

Serena HP Spot by Star Dust

My boy Richie Sandow just informed me the Serena HP spot he worked on at Star Dust is online and will be airing very soon. He said there was a team of at least 15 to tackle the behemoth of a piece. I think it turned out excellent and it stays in the language that Motion Theory set up but feels more designy now with a Star Dust twist to it. Great job, I can't wait to see what’s next for HP.

Herman Kim

So my postings have become incestual. George Katz designed and flashed our friend Herman Kim’s new portfolio site. Herman is a maya generalist and is a good one at that. We all worked at Logan together earlier this year. Go have a look at the reels. And when your done, as a little bonus. Watch Herman in the movie Blood Sport. That's him in the black.

Monday, August 27, 2007

George Katz

So I feel I didn't give George the respect he deserves. I linked him on my welcome back posting at the very bottom and thought the 3 and a half people who visit this site (I have the stats to prove it) may have missed his awesome work. I worked with George over at Logan a while back and now we are hanging out at Blind together. He contributed to the iPod party spot I mentioned earlier in the blog as a designer/animator. He has some great work to show on his site which is a mix of his Minneapolis and his LA work. I put up some boards from a Honda spot we both pitched on at Logan. Go check it out NOW!!!

Grow Design Work 2007 Reel

My buddy Bran has a spankin' new reel up with work that he did all on his lonesome. I love the variety of styles and illustrations. He has a really nice old school approach to animation which I am totally loving!

Back and More Married than EVER!!!

Hey there everybody. By everybody I mean the 2 or 3 who may visit this blog every week. I am back from Europe with my wifey Ash who recently resigned from Exopolis. We are happily married now and we have the pictures to prove it. Check it out at our amazing photographer Jake Holt's blog for now. Scroll down a bit btw. I promise there are more photos and I promise to actually blog now. Expect a few new things in the near future.

(1) Update on the old flickr with our European Vacation pics
(2) More bloggin, I slacked off only doing like 4 posts a month and we all know that's lame.
(3) An update on my portfolio site that is in the mix and should be rearing to go in the next couple a weeks. I'll post it up here first. So those who are actually in this little bubble of me and my 2 visitors a week will enjoy all my hollywood design and animations. JOY!

One last thing I have to add, I got CS3 and boy am I loving it. Just thought I'd share that. Thanks to my good buddy George Katz who recently updated his portfolio so go check it out. Here!!!